On July 31, 2018, the Izvestia newspaper published an article titled “Decontamination lamps in trains may be dangerous for passengers” containing inaccurate information about LitTransService LLC products and creating a false impression among railway passengers about the safety of the equipment used in the design of rolling stock.
By manipulating words and publishing blatantly untrue information, the author of the article tries to create the impression that amalgam germicidal lamps used in air disinfection systems may pose a danger to the health of passengers.
Taking into account the great public importance of the issue, LitTransService LLC considers it necessary to officially declare that the products manufactured by the company are absolutely safe and this is confirmed by the results of numerous tests. The safety of the lamps is confirmed, in particular, by the conclusion of the largest specialized Russian research institution – A.N. Sysin Research Institute of Human Ecology and Environmental Hygiene.
The tests show that even if the lamp breaks (which can only happen in an emergency situation with a train – derailment, collision), it is safe for those in the car. Such a situation was specially modeled at the tests of the Sysin Research Institute of Ecchigos, and in the conclusion of the Institute, drawn up on the basis of the results of the tests, it is stated that there is no risk of harm to the health of passengers.
We kindly ask you not to disseminate information that does not correspond to reality.
Regards, General Director of LitTransService LLC S. N. Lepeshkin